24 Life Lessons I Learned In 24 Years
Today I want to share the 24 Life Lessons I Learned In 24 Years.
I celebrated my 24th birthday on 18th September(can’t believe I am 24 already!)
And I have kind of mixed feelings about it.
I am happy that I am fortunate enough to do what I like to do, however I like to do, whenever I like to do but I was also super nervous because life is not as I thought it would be when I was 18.
My teenage and early 20s are not the years I would want back. Ever.
I feel that I graduated from high school yesterday. This transition from being a teenager to becoming an adult is not easy and yet no one talks about it enough.
Real life working culture is so different from going to school, studying and giving exams.
Although, I have been working since last many years.
As I turn 24 this year, I want to say that I am grateful for so many things in life.
But I also want to achieve and experience every goal I set for myself moving forward.
If you are also in your twenties or above, you would know the challenges you face, life lessons you learn.
It’s not easy.
Twenties are full of surprises, fear, excitement, failures, and successes.
One day you want to take over the world and the very next day you don’t even want to get out of your bed and room.
We all experience that.
So, today I want to share 24 important life lessons I learned in 24 years.
24 Life Lessons I Learned In 24 Years

1) Health is wealth
While we put so much effort to look good from the outside, staying healthy is surely more than that.
Eating healthy and exercising are some things that we should not take for granted.
As someone who has struggled with body image, I know how important it is.
While I absolutely think we should follow a healthy lifestyle, following a society’s beauty standard is not real beauty.
I have learned this the hard way, after worrying too much about why I am not looking the way I should, why I don’t like myself and always being insecure about my looks.
2) Your life is 100% your responsibility
What you want to do and how you want to live your life is one hundred percent your responsibility.
Things might go up and down at times but if you know this is something that needs to be done today, Go ahead and do it.
3) Failures are not final
As I said above when you decide to do a certain thing. For example: Pursue a certain career, you might not be able to achieve your goals right away.
However, it’s also worth noticing that when you face tough moments in life, it’s not final. You can always choose to change it.
4) You are unique so is your life journey
Another life lesson I learned is that comparing my life, success, failures, looks, and money to someone else is not going to solve my problem, instead it can lower my self esteem.
It’s super easy to scroll through IG and compare because a lot of people don’t even want to share their real life problems and challenges they face because it’s just not glamorous.
If you can relate and do this often, I recommend checking out ways to stop comparing yourself to others.
5) You Have the power to change your life
Yes, this is true! Regardless of your background, how many degrees you have or where you live in the world. You do have the power to change your reality.
7 Personality Growth Tips To Become Your Best Self.
6) Not everyone will support you and it is okay
You know when you do something that’s not expected from you, people including your friends and family don’t want to support you and even if you try to explain things a million times, they just don’t get it. But it doesn’t mean you aren’t doing great things.
You know some people will only support you when you become successful.
It really hurts that you don’t get the support when you need it the most BUT it is what it is.
7) Savings and budgeting is crucial.
This is so unfortunate that we never get proper education in school and at home on how to save and budget for better financial life but there are books and resources that can help you do that.
PS- I also make sure that I pay my credit card bills in full every month.
8) Becoming a confident person helps
Confidence comes from taking actions and gaining real life experiences.
Before becoming a life coach and starting this website, I did many different businesses in my late teenage years and early 20s.
They did not work out as expected but they did help me figure out what I don’t want to do again in my life.
And they gave me enough confidence to go after what I really wanted to do.
9) You can do anything you set your mind to
When you feel this way, question your beliefs and see what is holding you back.
Maybe it’s just the strategy that is not working?
Making the change will give you the results.
Change your strategies, not the goal.
10) Life isn’t fair.
If you feel this way, you are not alone. I do still think about it sometimes because sometimes the lives of other people look pretty smooth and flawless from a far.
They are on vacations, have a loving partner, they are basically living your dream life and here you are making only small progress that you don’t even want to share with others.
Whenever I get these questions in my mind, I reflect on my life and see how far I have come.
You are not a bad person because you want good things to happen. 🙂
11) What works for everyone may not work for you.
I learned this in business but it can be applied in real life as well. You are not everyone else, you are YOU and even if something is working out for others, it may or may not work out for you.
12) You are your biggest supporter.
You are the best and long lasting supporter of yourself. When you do something that makes you proud, appreciate yourself.
13) Believe in yourself whatever you do in life.
The truth is, when you face the hard moments in life, it becomes hard to trust yourself and this is the time when you need to trust in yourself more because that will help you get out of it.
14) Your insecurities don’t define you.
If you are insecure about anything in life, let it be body images, social insecurity, job security, or anything else. It does not define you. You are not your insecurity and you can always work on those things and overcome them.
15) It’s never too late (or early) to start
I remember when I was 18-19 years old, I used to think about it at night about my future.
If I will be able to even make it. Am I too young to do that? What will people say if they find it out I write online?
If I could go back to my 18 year old self and tell one thing to myself, I would say that you are not too young to do this.
You can start your own things and get paid to do what you love.
16) Putting yourself first isn’t selfish
You can only share with others if you have it yourself.
17) Friends come and go
Ugh! I hate to say this but friends come and go. Some people come into your life to teach you a lesson and once it’s done, they leave you.
18) You can’t grow in your comfort zone.
Great things never happen in comfort zone. You can always start with taking small calculated risks.
19) You are not your past experiences
Past experiences can disrupt your sleep at night when they are not good but they are not you.
They are just your experiences and you have come far in life even if it doesn’t feel that way right now.
Your past experiences, can not and should not control your life if you decide not to let them.
20) Not all relationships are worth it
If you have to question your worth or ask for the bare minimum, it’s not worth your time and energy.
21) You feel your lowest before you rise up
If you are at a point where you are losing hope, note that it is not going to last forever. It will eventually get better.
22) Never settle in life
Because what life you have imagined for yourself seems far from your reach. They say if your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough. Never settle in a life where you aren’t fulfilled.
23) You can not control some things in life
SO stop trying to worry about them. It’s frustrating that we can’t control some things but it is always best to leave them as is.
24) You love yourself before you allow anyone else to love you
I believe that you can still love other people but when it comes to you, you will have the hard time.
My past relationship has taught me that if you are having a hard time loving yourself, it will be hard for you to accept the love someone has for you.
Those are the 24 Life Lessons I Learned In 24 Years, I hope you liked the post. If you liked the post, please do let me know in the comments below!