30-Day Self-Care challenge Ideas

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Are you looking for self-care challenge ideas to completely transform yourself? In today’s post, we will discuss 30 self-care challenge ideas that you can do for the next 30 days.

What is a self-care challenge? 

Let’s first do a reality check- aren’t we all super busy doing things that we think matter the most, but in the process, we forget to take care of our wellbeing?

And at the end of the day, we don’t feel satisfied with all the work we did.

In short, a self-care challenge is all about being more aware of your thoughts, resetting your habits, enhancing your strengths, and doing things mindfully that will help you become a better version of yourself every day. 

And when you go to bed at night, you will feel satisfied and inspired for the next day as you’ll have something to look up to. 

To make this challenge easier, I also created a PDF that you can print out or download on your phone. 

30-Day Self-care Challenge Ideas

1. Write 1-3 things you are grateful for.

When you express gratitude for things you already have, you feel fulfilled.

It builds your self-esteem and opens the door to many other things, such as better financial situations and relationships. 

Always remember that you don’t need fancy things in life to be grateful.

You might think, “Well, I don’t know if there’s anything I need to be grateful for.” 

But every single thing, even the smallest one counts.

If you think you have nothing to be grateful for, here are a few things to remind you that you are thankful- 

  1. Your health.
  2. Your parents/girlfriend/boyfriend/friends.
  3. Your job or business.
  4. You can afford to eat whatever you want.
  5. You can breathe (a blessing that we forget about).

2. Practice positive self-talk

I practice positive self-talk (also known as affirmations) after waking up in the morning.

You may practice them throughout the day or whenever you want. 

To give you some ideas, I have written 100 positive affirmations. Click here to check it out. 

3. Stop procrastination.

Procrastination, laziness, and comparison hold you back from self-growth.

If you want to get far in life and achieve your goals, overcoming procrastination is vital.

These things can not be gone entirely, but if you stay more aware and start doing things more mindfully, you can definitely overcome them

But keep in mind that It’s a slow process.

4. Read an unfinished book

Do you have a book you stopped reading a while back just because you were lacking time? Now is the time to complete it.

If you don’t have any unfinished books, you may start reading a new one. I have 10 book recommendations that you might find helpful.

5. Start journaling

If you haven’t started journaling yet, this is the right time. It has incredible benefits that you will notice just after practicing for a couple of weeks.

Check out why you should start it and how to find out if it’s something for you. 

6. Learn a second (or third) language

When it comes to self-improvement, there’s nothing better than learning a second language. 

Learning a language makes you more confident and also opens several doors of opportunities. You can talk to people from different countries in their local language. How cool is that, isn’t it? 

7. The comfort zone is your enemy when it comes to self-growth

Every great story starts when you step out of your comfort zone and do something that you thought you never would because you never felt confident or ready enough.

The truth is, none of us can be completely ready or confident unless we step out of our comfort zone. If you need to do something you have never done before, you will doubt yourself and never be confident enough.

But once you try to give it a shot knowing that it will be a great learning experience. It will help you grow and make yourself better than you were before.

8. Organizing is important

If your life is disorganized, it will make you feel stressed and just not right. Organizing every part of your life is vital, like your home, finances, and even your mind.

If you are working from home and your desk is full of things that are distracting you, you won’t be able to concentrate, and the chances are you will be frustrated easily. 

9. Reduce the time you spend on your phone

First, when I needed to do something, I always used to keep my phone near me and check notifications consistently despite knowing that it was distracting me from my main task. 

I keep my phone away when I do something important or when a task needs my 100% attention. 

10. Eat your favorite fruit

11. Start meditation.

Meditation is a powerful way to calm yourself after working nonstop in the office. If the environment of your office is full of negativity and stress, meditation is something that will help you. 

You may think it’s boring, but once you get used to it (which can take several weeks), you will love it. 

I enjoy it because it’s the best way for me to spend some time with myself. 

You don’t need HOURS to start meditation starting with 2 minutes would be great, and you can always increase the time as you go.

12. Wake up 15 minutes earlier every day

 Are you a night owl? Waking up early can be a little challenging for you. I get this. 

But if you wake up at 9 am. So, rather than setting a goal to wake up at 5 am, start waking up 15 minutes earlier every day, and it will become much easier for you. 

It doesn’t need to feel like torture when you try to improve yourself. 

13. Do one thing at a time

Always prioritize quality over quantity. Try to do one task with focus and determination rather than trying to do multiple things at once. 

14. Have your breakfast before 9 am.

15. Start practicing yoga

16. Be kind to yourself

We are often kind to others, but we forget it when it comes to ourselves. 

Here are a few things you can do instead-

  1. Stop doubting yourself.
  2. Stop worrying about tomorrow.
  3. Take actions.
  4. Dont think too much. 

17. Have a morning routine

What you do right after waking up in the morning decides how your day will be. If you spend time watching TV or scrolling through social media before you even get up, you can not expect a productive day.

Rather have a morning routine that can lead to a better and more fulfilling day. 

18. Have a night routine

Just like a morning routine, having a night routine is also essential. I will share a few quick things you can do at night to make your night routine better:

  1. Skincare routine
  2. Decide the next day’s outfit
  3. Practice gratitude, etc

You also need to ensure that you do not do something that interrupts your sleeping habits; otherwise, you will wake up tired. 

19. Take a break.

20. Limit time on social media

If you are serious about improving yourself, the very first step would be to limit your time on social media. 

We often see other people who seem very happy with their lives, doing parties, and we start to think that their life is all we need, but thats far from the truth. 

If theres any particular social media app that makes you overthink or anxious, Id recommend uninstalling it. 

21. Consume quality content

This is similar to the previous one. Do not consume content that makes you compare yourself to someone else. 

So what do I mean by quality content? Any information that helps you become a better person than you were yesterday or educate you is quality content. 

Make sure you consume content from reputable sources. 

22. Plan your day in advance

Do you often burn out because there is so much to do and you cant seem to keep up with them all? Thats why planning your day in advance is vital.

When you plan your day in advance (usually the night before), you dont have to do it in the morning, and your mind knows what to focus on. 

23. Have your dinner 3 hours before sleeping

24. Walk 6,000-10,000 steps each day

25. Believe in your abilities

Because if you dont, then who will? 

26. Spend some time alone 

When you are with people, you try to know them, but when you spend time alone, you get to know yourself. And as we discussed before, meditation is a great way to spend some time with yourself.

When you spend time with yourself, you get to know what kind of thoughts are going on in your mind. 

If the thoughts are positive, you must have done something right, and if they are negative, you must have done something thats causing this. 

Next time when you do something, be more mindful of your thoughts.

27. Create a vision board for your future 

Do you want to know a secret from successful people? They always know what they want from their life, and they always refuse to settle for less. 

Lets assume you set a goal to earn an extra $1,000 this month. But does it ever happen to you: you set the goal and forgot about that? It happens to most of us, and this is something that makes us feel bad because we couldnt achieve our goal.

But what if there is something that constantly reminds you about your goals? You are more likely to achieve them, and thats why having a vision board of your dreams is essential. 

28. Save more money

Money saved = money earned, and to save money, you will need to cut unnecessary spending and develop habits that will lead to better financial security.

29. Invest in yourself

You might have heard that you need to invest in yourself to become a better you. But you are not sure how to do it. 

There are many ways to invest in yourself like-

  1. Starting a journal where you can write everything that happened to you in a day.
  2. Prioritizing yourself 
  3. Invest in a personal coach 
  4. Breaking a habit that is not serving you in a good way.
  5. Gaining knowledge by reading self-help books

30.  Reward yourself 

You have completed 29 self-care challenges; this is the time to reward yourself.

Rewarding yourself is a great way to show that you want to appreciate all your hard work. It will help you feel happy and motivated to do the next task in a better way. 

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