30 Fun Positive Affirmations To Wake Up Energized In The Morning

30 Fun Positive Affirmations To Wake Up Energized In The Morning.
In an ideal world, we would wake up happy, energized and relaxed in the morning, ready to have a productive day.
But the truth is most of us sleep late, wake up feeling annoyed, and want to sleep 10 more minutes. Want to get up energized? No, that is out of the question. We don’t even imagine waking up full of energy and enthusiasm.
Because we are constantly living in worry and fear, we are worried about what might go wrong and getting afraid of things that never ever happened.
Because in most cases, we are wired to think that way even if nothing wrong is happening right now in your life. You are constantly getting negative thoughts in your head.
If you are experiencing negativity in the morning that takes away all the joy and leaves you feeling unintentional and unhappy throughout the day, you might want to change things up.
And it’s pretty important to do so as morning sets the tone for your day. And if you’re not having an intentional morning, you’re letting your negative and unintentional thoughts take over you.
And the problem with this is, it’s a cycle that repeats itself until and unless you decide to break it.
And breaking this cycle is not that hard as long as you know what needs to be done.
All it takes is time, consistency, and belief that you need to have in yourself. And these fun positive affirmations will help you do that.
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30 Fun positive affirmations to start your day

1) My mantra- I am awake, I am alive, and ready to thrive.
2) Today I choose to spread laughter.
3) Today I will worry less and smile more.
4) I somehow find ways to laugh and have fun.
5) I am the CEO of my happiness and today I’ve decided to laugh more.
6) I wake up in the morning feeling like a superhero, ready to face whatever comes my way. I am pretty good at it.
7) I attract laughter, joy and good vibes.
8) My morning stretches are a dance party for my body and soul.
9) Whatever I am going through, I am going to face that with a calm mind, and a smile on my face. As I am not alone and every problem has a solution.
10) I am a rainbow on someone else’s (and my own) cloudy day.
11) I have the power to choose joy over judgment, laughter over worry, and calmness over stress.
12) I decide to wake up each morning with a heart full of gratitude and a mind full of possibilities as every day is a new chance to being again.
13) I am a magnet for fun-filled adventures. They are what makes me feel alive.
14) My morning playlist is the soundtrack to my happy life.
15) Today, I choose to sneak up on negativity and replace it with positivity.
16) Today, I choose to embrace the silliness and laugh at the chaos.
17) My morning routine includes celebration of life, love, and all the little things that bring me joy.
18) My morning affirmations are my secret ingredient for a day filled with positivity and fun.
19) I have all the resources to be where I want to be and I am slowly getting there.
20) Today, I choose not to compare my unique journey with others, I am happy how far I have come and every day I am continuing to grow.
21) I know what is stopping me from reaching my goals, and I won’t let my limiting beliefs stop me anymore.
22) I am exactly where I am supposed to be in my life. I am not late, I’m not early and I believe in the universe’s timing.
23) I believe in my abilities even if someone tries to put me down, I will stand up for myself as many times as I need to but I won’t settle for less.
24) I am free from my past as I have learned my lessons and now I choose to live in the present moment. This is what truly exists and I will not let it go to waste.
25) Fear is fine. Having questions is fine. I will keep going and make my dreams come true.
26) I have come so far in life, and today and everyday I will let it motivate me. So I can continue to get inspired, grow and shine.
27) I embrace my imperfections.
28) I am a work in progress, and I celebrate the journey of self-improvement.
29) Each morning, I set my intentions and align my actions with my goals.
30) My energy is contagious. It inspires those around me to be their best selves.
These are 30 fun positive affirmations that are perfect to start your day, I hope you liked them and use them in your every day life to make concious positive change.
You can also save these affirmations for later!
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- 51 Powerful Affirmations For Self-Love And Healing.
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- Lucky Girl Syndrome Affirmations. (recommended read if you always repeat negative thoughts in your head)