Before we jump off and talk about how to become a morning person, let me tell you this first: if you have been a night owl your whole life – theres nothing wrong with that.
We all are different; some people are naturally morning birds while others are naturally night owls.
I used to be a night owl.
In fact, I have been a night owl who loves to sleep till 9 or 10 am, but I wanted to change this so bad because if I let myself wake up late, I have to go to start working on my computer as soon as I wake up, and I hardly get any time for myself which means no workout, no meditation, no morning routine, nothing.
I generally work from 10 am to 6.30 pm, and imagine spending SO much on your electronics and not having time for your well-being is the worst you can do to yourself.
So that’s why I am going to share how I became a morning person and how you can too.
This routine is going to be a game-changer.
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How to become a morning person
1) Use Time Blocking Method
For those who have no idea what time blocking is so, basically, its a method where you divide your day into blocks of time.
Lets assume I have 3 goals for a day, I set a timer for each one, and when the time is up, I move on to the next task.
This way, I just dont spend my whole day doing just one thing, and for me, its also a reminder to take a short break.
Setting deadlines allows me to complete the work on time.
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2) Know the reason and set intentions
The truth is, If you dont know the reason why you want to become a morning person, you will never be.
I used to wake up late because I had no goal or priority in mind to wake up early, and even if I did, I still did not know what I would do after I wake up
There needs to be a reason, whether it is a new job you have gotten or you just want to use your morning time for your well-being as I wanted.
Knowing why you want to wake up early and how you will make use of the time by setting an intention is crucial.
Determine the bad habits that are holding you back and allow yourself to break those bad habits so, you can form new good ones.
Related- How to have a mindful morning routine.
3) Have a proper night routine
Trust me, how you spend your night routine determines how your morning will be.
Spending late night watching TV won’t help you become a morning person.
Besides having a morning routine, having a night routine is essential too.
For those having a difficult time finding the activities that can help you sleep early and wake up fresh check Out 10 relaxing activities before bed to fall asleep fast.
Changing habits takes time.
My top suggestion would be not to make any drastic change in your lifestyle instead, make a doable one.
Its hard to stay consistence on things that feel like a torture.
4) Get natural sunlight by opening blinds and curtains
Once you snooze your alarm, its certain that you will want to sleep again, but just by opening your blinds and curtains, your body will instantly realize that now is the time to get up, and chances are you will no longer be sleepy.
I also love doing some 15-20 mins stretching and yoga after waking up.
Let the fresh air come in while you do your yoga and other morning workouts.
It has already become a habit of mine and I no longer have to force myself to do it.
Related- How to have a mindful morning routine.
5) Eat dinner earlier
There were days when I used to have my dinner after 10 pm.
Its so obvious that if you eat late, you wont be able to sleep early.
I knew that if I wanted to wake up earlier, I had to eat at least 3 to 4 hours before going to bed.
If I wanted to go to bed at 10 pm, I had to eat before 7 pm.
It really improves my sleeping quality, and when you sleep enough, you dont wake up lazy or tired.
6) Spend some time in nature
There couldnt be a better way to spend your morning than spending some time in nature.
Nothing can beat fresh air and some greenery around you. It will instantly make you feel fresh.
There are certain times when I dont feel like doing anything, not even writing. I think it happens to all of us sometimes.
When it happens, all I do is take my notebook and pen with me and go to any nearest park from my home, and as I spend some time in nature, my mood refreshes, and my brain starts to give me some ideas which motivates me to start working again.
Final thoughts– Becoming a morning person may seem so hard at first, but if you try and fail, dont give up, as your body is going to take some time when you try to adopt a new habit.
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