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If you’re desperately trying to find ways on how to change your life completely, you’re not alone.
It seems like everyone is trying to change their lives lately. Whether it’s having a better work-life balance, getting in shape, or doing a full lifestyle revamp, personal development is a hot topic! I’ve definitely hopped on the 1% better everyday train which is basically just doing one small thing each day that gets you closer to your goals. Because the reality is, changing your life doesn’t need to be done overnight. Change can be a series of small things that add up over time and eventually equal a whole new you! So if you’ve been wondering how to change your life, keep reading!
How to Change Your Life Completely- 5 Easy Ways
It’s important to understand that while these are easier tips and ways to make changes in your life, these are by no means a magic pill.
No one is able to completely change who they are just doing a couple of small things one time.
Take these tips and implement them over and over until they are a fixture in your life. That is when change happens!
1 – Implement habit stacking
Habits are the backbone of change! Starting healthy habits and quitting not-so-healthy habits is what you’ll be mainly trying to do when you want to change your life.
Habits, however, are usually pretty ingrained into you. Habits are things you do all the time without much thought or effort.
So, starting new ones or stopping old ones can be challenging. That’s where habit stacking comes in.
Habit stacking is a way of creating new habits by using old ones. If you want to create a new habit of reading 10 minutes a day you could find a habit you already engage in daily (like making your morning coffee) and then stacking the new habit right after.
The old habit is the cue for the new habit so you’ll start to automatically grab your book once you brew your coffee.
Do this with smaller things at first and then work your way up as you master the new habits! Soon you’ll have a brand new routine that you can actually stick with.
2 – Move your body more
It’s no secret that moving your body more is a good idea for your health. Getting more steps in a day has been linked to a decrease in heart disease and many other illnesses.
This doesn’t mean you need to up your workout routine though. Just be more active throughout your day. Get up from your desk more. Stretch a little bit. Walk around the block after dinner. Vacuum the house more. Play with your pets!
Your health is so important so if you want to change your life, consider moving more!
3 – keep a running to-do list
I am the biggest list lover! My lists have their own lists at this point.
Staying organized is going to help you get ahead so much faster. Your brain can only hold on to so much information at a time. You are bound to forget things (you are human after all).
If you have big plans to change your life through a career change (like starting a business) or by becoming “that girl,” you will need some lists.
I like to keep several lists in different categories. Here are some examples:
- Business (tasks I need to do, things to learn, things to buy, appointments, etc)
- Household (bills to pay, meals, groceries, tasks to do, appointments to make, events, etc)
- Habits (things I want to track daily like workouts, healthy eating, social media, etc)
You can have as many or as few lists as you’d like. Sometimes keeping a master list is easier. It’s up to you how you want to organize!
4 – Change your mindset
A little mindset work goes a long way!
If you tend to worry about failing or hold yourself back because you think people will make fun of you… take some time every day and just journal.
Figuring out why you think the way you do and uncovering how you really feel about yourself can be so eye-opening.
Start by answering journal prompts about a topic you want to explore (confidence, goals, future, feelings, and so on). Then spend 5 minutes before bed writing your response. It could be in point form or full-on essays.
Once you start to think of yourself in a more confident way and believe that you can grow and learn and do anything you want, your life will start to change!
It’s really mind over matter for a lot of things in life.
5 – set real goals
Okay, so you need to set some goals if you want to see change.
Why? Because without them what are you working towards? Saying you want to change your life doesn’t really mean anything.
Change how? What does that look like for you?
If you want to lose weight or start a business or move to a different country, you need to define those goals!
Goals can be scary because who wants to fail? No one! But changing your life starts with you figuring out what that really means and then working towards it! Set those big, scary goals. All that mindset work will help you step outside your comfort zone.
And in case you forgot how to set good goals… remember that goals should be MEASURABLE (how will you track your progress?), SPECIFIC (what does the achieved goal look like exactly?), and TIMED (when will you ideally achieve this?). You can follow the SMART goal format if you want but I really believe measurable, specific, and timed is good enough for most goals.
Related- How to set goals the right way.
In conclusion
You are reading this post for a reason! You’ve decided that you want a change in your life. Something is not working for you right now and hey, that’s okay!
While trying to change everything about your life can be super overwhelming, it is possible to make small changes over time that actually stick.
Consistency is key when it comes to making changes which is why you want to start creating new, healthy habits!
Also, focus on your physical and mental health when making changes because to change your life you need to look at it in a holistic manner. Working on your physical fitness and mindset will help you along the way.
When you spend time truly taking care of yourself and planning ahead, you will be surprised how much more motivated you will be to change!
So, follow the above steps and just remember that anything worthwhile is not always easy. Take it one day at a time. Change never happens overnight but when you do finally change your life you will be soooo thankful you followed through!
I hope you enjoyed this post on how to change your life completely, if you did then don’t forget to check out other posts by life by Deanna.
About the author- Deanna is a 20-something personal growth blogger and freelance writer. She created Life By Deanna to inspire other women to focus on growth, create lives they love, and dream big. Check out her blog for more posts on personal growth, wellness, and lifestyle. When she isn’t writing she is reading, cuddling with her cat, and probably eating mac and cheese!