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How to stay motivated when everything is going wrong?
Are you going through tough times? Regardless of what you have achieved in the past, there is always a time you have to face when nothing seems to be working out, no matter how hard and for how long you try.
So, how to stay motivated when everything is going wrong? This question might be going through your mind, and that is what we will discuss today because we all face such moments in our lives.
How to stay motivated in tough times
1) Relax and take a deep breath
First of all, when everything is going wrong with you, it’s obvious to feel bad and nervous; everything seems like a permanent, never-ending problem. When you face such a moment, the first thing at this time you need to do is sit down and take a deep breath, take a sip of water, and relax!
Worrying when something isn’t right is normal and won’t improve anything.
2) Take a break
The second way to stay motivated is by allowing yourself to make some distance and taking a well-needed rest. Take a break from whatever you’re doing; you can spend time with family/friends/partners. Whoever you prefer.
Sometimes what happens is we can’t find motivation and keep going just makes us more irritated, and after we finally start after a short break, we often tend to gain momentum.
3) Do a little research
After you come back after a little break, you may want to do a little research to ensure you are not doing guesswork, but you are actually on the right track.
The truth is we hate slow progress and want things to happen fast (if not overnight), but that doesn’t happen in most cases, and it makes you think that you’re not making any progress at all or going in the wrong direction.
When all you need to do is make sure you are doing the right thing, and at this time, you want to reach out to people who might be able to help you (people with experience in the same field) and it will also let you know that you are not alone and trust me, getting the right feedback from the right person is so valuable, saves time and increases confidence).
PS: While doing research is good. Please make sure you don’t overdo it.
4) Make a plan
Once you know you’re in the right direction, this is the time to get even more serious (or tell your brain that you are serious), which can be done by creating a proper plan you can follow.
At the same time, you want to celebrate small wins to get yourself motivated in the journey. Here are ideas on how to reward yourself when you achieve success (no matter how small it is).
If you want to get some practical ideas that help you set goals the right way, check out this post on how to set goals and achieve them.
5) Never stop personal development
The first thing we stop when something is not going right is working on ourselves. And start doing whatever feels right and comfortable, and hardly anyone reminds us that we don’t have to do anything that won’t benefit us in the long run.
Even if you have one hundred excuses to make at this point, you are the only one who can remind yourself not to stop becoming the better you every single day.
Do not stop reading that book you want to read or don’t stop challenging yourself because you are afraid you might fail.
If you need more ideas, consider checking out Personal Development For Tough Times.
6) Take a step back
You will find a ton of articles that talk about how to stay motivated (or should I say how to forget about your problem for some time), but those are a temporary escape not to feel bad, and it’s okay when you need that, but what helps us, in the long run, is taking a step back and analyze what went wrong and why? I can’t stress this enough, but asking questions is so important.
I believe that you have to analyze things with a fresh mind. Maybe after you take a short break and then do it?
7) Remember your “why”
Motivation is temporary, and purpose is permanent. At least this is what I think.
Expecting yourself to stay motivated the whole time is not the right thing to do anyway, but we need it when things are not going in our favor, and I believe that remembering why you started in the first gives you a reason not to give up and stay motivated.
8) It’s okay to feel demotivated
It might shock you a little, but it’s absolutely okay to feel demotivated at times and questioning. As I mentioned earlier, if you are asking questions to yourself, you are going ahead even if it doesn’t give you results instantly.
You can allow yourself to feel bad, and it’s normal to feel that way. If something is not normal, that is hiding the feeling and not accepting that you are feeling bad and unmotivated to do anything at all.
And that’s about it. They were some ways you can adopt when you ask yourself “how to stay motivated” and I am sure you’ll find some motivation to keep going.