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“You must take personal responsibility. You can’t change the circumstances, the season, or the wind, but you can change yourself.“
Do you agree with that quote? Yes, me too.
We often spend a lot of our precious time complaining about what is wrong with the world, blaming people around us and you may be right too, but does that help you make your situation any better?
I guess no. But rather such thoughts make us more frustrating, annoying, and helpless. If you are in the same situation, you are not alone. We all find ourselves in such situations from time to time.
One way to get out of such a situation is asking personal growth questions because that will help you change your life and you will focus on yourself rather than other people.
Focusing on other people and trying to control the external situation will make you feel helpless and you will feel like you are losing your power but on the other hand, when you decide to change yourself, you will realize that you have the power to change your whole life.
71 Thought Provoking personal growth questions to ask yourself To Become More Self Aware
- How am I feeling right now?
- Am I feeling calm and relaxed?
- Am I being kind to myself?
- What are my top 5 things that I am grateful for today?
- What are my top priorities in life?
- Am I prioritizing myself enough?
- Am I giving enough time and attention to what’s important to me?
- What are my top 3-5 life goals in life?
- Are my actions aligning with my long term goals?
- What are my top 3-5 goals that I want to achieve in the next 5-10 years??
- Did I already create a vision board for my long-term goals? If not then what’s the reason??
- Am I being completely honest with myself?
- Do I feel confident?
- How can I become more confident in myself?
- How do I feel about my current situation?
- If I am not happy/content, how can I change it?
- What is something I am afraid of?
- Is my fear based on my past experiences or is it a fact?
- If it’s based on my past experiences, how can I conquer this fear?
- What is something that’s holding me from taking action?
- Do I procrastinate or overthink when it comes to taking action?
- What other changes can I make in my daily routine that help me take action in the right direction?
- Am I hanging out with people who want me to grow or do they get jealous every time I share my success story with them?
- How do I deal with bad days?
- Am I living in the present moment?
- Am I focusing too much on the past that?s holding me back from taking action in the present moment?
- How can I move on, live in the present moment and focus on tasks that are important to me?
- Do I utilize my time wisely?
- What’s draining my energy?Â
- Do I have a habit of over analyzing everything?
- Am I depending on someone emotionally?
- How is my current financial situation?
- How can I improve it?
- What is holding me back from making my financial situation better? Is it my own negative mindset?
- How can I reframe my negative mindset about money?
- Do I enjoy my work?
- Is fun missing from my life? If yes, then how to change that?
- What 3 bad habits do I want to change this year?
- Do I have a bad habit of comparing myself to other people?
- Do I also have a bad habit of saying yes when I want to say no?
- Do I often take action just to please people around me?
- Am I making my younger self proud?
- How can I forgive myself for making mistakes in the past?
- How can I forgive people who hurt me the most? (Not easy BUT you can do this!)
- Do I allow everyone and everything in my life?
- How can I set healthy boundaries for myself?
- Do I trust myself and listen to my gut feelings or ignore them?
- Do I make my own life decisions or rely too much on someone else’s validation? Because I think something might go wrong and there will be no one to support me.Â
- What do I love the most in my life?
- Who inspires me the most?
- Where do I want to travel next?
- What did I learn last time when I traveled to x?
- What next adventure do I want to experience when I travel to x?
- What 3 lessons have I learned this year?
- What advice would I give to my younger self?
- What makes me so happy and sets my soul on fire?
- How can I be more kind to people?
- What does family mean to me?
- What makes me anxious and WHY?
- Three milestones I have already accomplished this year?
- How can I make my daily routine more enjoyable?
- What are my 3 strengths?
- What are my 3 weaknesses?
- Am I living in my comfort zone?
- When was the last time I met my family and had dinner with them?
- Do I often hesitate when I need help? If so, why?
- Â Am I living in an environment that’s causing me my inner peace? How can I change that?Â
- Do I focus enough on my body/health?
- 3 things that are stopping me from living a healthier life?
- What is the 1 thing I want to change in this world and why?
- 3 new habits I can adapt to live a healthier life?