5 Self Care Goal Ideas That Will Help You Level Up

Need some practical self care goal ideas that will help you level up? We usually think that self care is all about fancy products and luxury experiences at the salon. While that can be a part of self care, I believe that self care is more than that.
I also believe that there are already some of the things you might already be doing for self care. (Even if you are not spending any money or it does not look fancy at all).
There are many people that think that they need to have a separate self care day when they will “look after themselves”.
For me personally, self care is when I can sit with myself alone peacefully (even for 10 minutes in a day without doing anything) and not feel anxious about the past and future. (I have been there when I was unable to do that as I’d feel very uncomfortable and numb, my fear always took over).
It is about setting boundaries and sticking to them.
It is about standing up for yourself when needed.
It is about caring about your finances.
It is also about letting go of the past and making the right decision that leads you in the right direction.
Ultimately, self care is anything that is helping you grow and making your life a bit easier everyday.
Self Care Goal Ideas That Will Help You Level Up

Giving Yourself Some Break From Work
We are living in a world where long hours at work are glorified. Don’t get me wrong, I work hard too but I also believe that we need to take breaks from our work from time to time. (and utilize that time when we get breaks).
Our minds and bodies are not meant to be working or thinking about work all the time. It’s good idea to have some time for ourselves when we spend our time to refresh, to reset your mind through journaling, to go out for dinner, to be able to eat peacefully, to practice your hobby, to spend some family time, or doing anything else that you love doing.
Relaxing time with yourself is the highest form of self care where you are feeling that you are at ease and not constantly worrying about work-related things in your mind.
Practicing A Hobby
Are you practicing any hobby? Like mentioned in the above point, it is a great way to practice self care. I started practicing hobbies a few years ago and learned so many new things that I never knew before, like your interest can change over time. If you are enjoying knitting today, you might want to start photography tomorrow. It is completely normal to try out different things and do them for as long as you enjoy doing them.
There are no rules and you can change things over time (in fact anytime you want).
I think the lesson I learned while getting into hobbies is, it’s okay to get bored or switch to something that your current self wants to try. If you aren’t sure where to start check out 15 popular and fun hobby ideas and 52 hobby ideas For Women In Their 20s and 30s that will help you choose your next hobby idea.
Declutter Your Space
Somehow our space has a great effect on our mind. How our things are placed around us can make you feel good or not pretty quickly. Declutter might not count as an aesthetic self care experience but it feels great once it’s done. There are many places to organize in your life (it also doesn’t have to be all in one day, just one baby step at a time and I always do and recommend that you start with one small task)-
It could be:
- Your Desk.
- That one chair that we all have in our home.
- Donate old books. Get rid of old papers/receipts that you know you won’t ever need again.
- Junk emails/apps/photos/videos on your phone.
- Check out: 10 Simple Ways To Declutter Your Mind (You Can Add These Ideas In Your Everyday Routine).
- 10 Important Traits Organized People Really Have.
- How To Organize Your Life In One Week (7 Day Challenge).
Declutter Your Life
Decluttering your space is a part of decluttering your life but when it comes to decluttering your life, it goes one step further. Decluttering your life is not just limited to your physical or digital space, it is also about your thoughts, your relationships and so much more.
When it comes to decluttering your life, you will experience that there are a lot of things that are absolutely out of your control especially when other people will be involved like your relationships. When my relationships are involved, I always like to reflect, communicate, and work on my expectations. It’s not always easier but you get to know a lot of things about yourself and also about the other person that help you manage your relationships.
Spend Some Time With Yourself
Whether it is through sitting alone and just processing your thoughts, writing in a journal, curling up in a blanket and reading a book or having some me-time by doing these 5 minute self care activities.
These activities will help you feel pampered and happy. It is really a good to feel like yourself after juggling from one task to another. I think when it comes to self care, every small activity counts because if that is helping you feel better, you are more likely to do things that are hard and need more attention from you.
PS- If you write your to-do list, consider writing down one small activity for you too. Eg: writing in a journal even for 1 page about your day, practicing skin care routine before going to bed, etc. I won’t be exaggerating if I say I get some of my most creative ideas when I am alone or practicing these hobbies.
- Related posts you may want to check out: 12 Things To Let Go Of To Be Truly Happy.
- 10 Mindful Evening Routine Ideas to Unwind After a Long Day.
- 3 Bad Habits That Drain Your Energy (Some Of You Might Be Doing These Everyday).
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