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Here are 15 Summer Affirmations To Start Fresh as the words you speak to yourself in your head makes all the difference.
No matter how self-motivated you are, we all need some words of encouragement and positivity from time to time, especially when there’s too much repetitive negative thoughts going on in your head that is not helping you much, instead they hold you back when you are thinking and making choices using those thoughts.
The truth is when the season changes, so does our mood and even though I believe that summer offers so much opportunity to grow, at the same time it also brings insecurities and stress like any other season.
And to deal with that, I found the affirmations to be quite useful. Why?
Here is the answer:
I like to use them in the morning when I wake up as there are so many thoughts in my mind. Mostly they are negative. I knew that those thoughts were not based on reality. It was pure made up thoughts but still I would wake up worrying and anxious. I started to lose control.
This led me to wake up late and I was not productive at all.
This is a cycle that repeats itself until you actually do something about that. I knew that I needed to do something about that as well. I can’t let these thoughts and worries control me over and over again.
And that’s when affirmations come into play. Affirmations help you shift your thinking (or you could say a pattern that was made over time depending on so many factors- Your environment, people you spend time with, etc.).
When it comes to summer, it increases. I don’t know if I am the only one but summer insecurity is real to me. There is not enough discussion about this.
Summer is not always about flowers and rainbows. It is also about fighting with your insecurities, morning anxiety and letting go of the pressure to be perfect. Allow yourself to be a free bird.
And I hope these summer affirmations will help you do that in one way or other.
PS- These affirmations are for ideas, not all of them may relate to you and your current situation and that is fine! You could definitely select the ones that you want to use and write them in a sticky note and keep them in front of your working desk.
PS- If you want positivity and feel good reminder every week with a task you can perform on the weekends, join my weekly newsltter “feel good friday” here. It’s FREE and you will get one email from me every week. Read more here.
15 Summer Affirmations To Feel Fresh In (& Less Insecure About Yourself)
1) I am ready for a fresh start.
Summer is a great season to start fresh. Starting fresh could mean you want to make changes: not only from outside but also from the inside like starting working out to improve your body or letting go of the past and start a new project that you wanted to do for a while now.
2) I am as vibrant as a summer flower.
We love flowers. They are full of life and make you feel alive.
Just like them you are vibrant and ready to shine this summer season. Believe in yourself, that is where everything starts.
3) My energy is renewed with each summer breeze.
It’s like how you feel excited and refreshed when you go outside on a warm, sunny day.
4) I am open to new adventures and experiences this summer.
I am sure you are. If you are not sure what to do/experience this summer season, check out summer bucket list ideas and make your own list.
5) I won’t let my insecurities define me this summer.
This one is very important. Body insecurity is real. Just know you are not alone and you are not just your body, you are definitely more than that.
You could also take this 21-day confidence challenge to boost your self confidence.
6) I am ready to thrive and glow up this summer season.
Both from the inside and outside. If you need a major glow up this summer, I recommend going through this post on how to have a glow up. And a glow up checklist, I divided glow up in 3 categories to make it more easy to follow in this post.
7) I am ready to get out of my comfort zone.
Is your comfort zone making the situation worse for you?
Not anymore. Get out of your comfort zone and make your dreams come true.
8) I am making positive changes in my life during the summer.
Positive changes could be in your own life or it could be in someone else’s life. If you are reading these affirmations, you are already making a positive change in your life.
9) I am open to receiving the blessings and abundance of the summer season.
But you need to first stop saying sentences like ‘I am unlucky’, ‘why always me’, ‘what did I do to deserve this’ and rephrase your sentences with positive thoughts like ‘I am open to receiving the blessings and abundance’, ‘I believe everything happens for me’, ‘I believe in universe timing’.
10) I am confident in my ability to overcome any challenges.
Of course, when you go out of your comfort zone, there will be challenges. But you are stronger than your comfort zone and even if it takes time, you will be able to get out of it.
11) I am filled with gratitude for all that I have in my life.
We have more than we realize. A roof over our head, enough food in our fridge, a steady source of income, and so much more. Be thankful for everything you have.
12) I am living with intention and purpose.
This one is also super important. Everything starts with an intention. Make sure you are setting your intention the right way. Here is how to set daily intentions and weekly intentions.
13) I am surrounded by Beautiful nature’s creations.
Nature is beautiful and we need to spend more time outdoors. Whether it’s heading to the beach or going for a trekking, there are so many ways to do that.
14) I can’t wait to bring my creative self out this summer.
For some people it could be dance and painting, for others it could be writing or drawing.
Whatever it is, being that creative self out even if you are not an ‘expert’ in it.
If you are not sure, here are 50+ creative hobby ideas.
15) I am creating positive change in my life and the world around me.
No matter what we are doing in life, directly or indirectly we are contributing to the world even if we don’t get to see immediate results.
If you are a teacher, you are changing the lives of your students, if you are a doctor, you are saving the lives of people, if you are an entrepreneur, you are building something new and providing employment, if you are a waiter, you are serving the people and making their experience better.
Every one of us is making a difference in this world, be sure it is a positive one.
If you liked these summer affirmations, I hope you will like these as well:
- Related- 30 Fun Positive Affirmations To Wake Up Energized In The Morning.
- 30 New Year Affirmations For A New You.
- 45+ Positive And Inspiring Christmas Affirmations.
- 41 Sunday Affirmations To Help You Recharge For The Week.
- 100 Positive Affirmations For A Productive Day.
- 51 Powerful Affirmations For Self-Love And Healing.
- Lucky Girl Syndrome: Affirmations And How To Get It.