25 Before 25 Bucket List Ideas | Early 20 Life Goals

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A couple of days ago, I published a post where I shared 24 life lessons in 24 years. If you haven’t read that one yet, I would really recommend you to do so. 

In this post, I want to share my 25 Before 25 Bucket List Ideas(I will turn 25 next year) so I have one whole year to make these goals and dreams come true if I work hard and stay consistent. 

I will share first my 25 goals so you can take some inspiration and create your own bucket list.

Because without real actions and strategy, there won’t be any real progress. 

And one more important note- while these are my bucket list ideas we all have different priorities and dreams in life and it’s okay if something on the list doesn’t go with what you want to do. 

You can just take ideas from this post. 🙂 

Okay, so let’s start with the 25 goals.

25 Before 25 Bucket List – 25 things to do before 25


1) Improve my relationship with food

I have struggled with this in the past and I am currently working on this to improve the way I see food and eat it. I have been skinny in the past but I am slowly getting better and healthy.  

2) Get in a better shape

This one can be a little sensitive topic to talk about. By getting in a good shape, I mean to be in a healthy weight and get into the habit of eating healthy food and less junk. 

3) Learn two different languages 

I love learning new languages. 

I just haven’t got a lot of time in these past years as I have been juggling a lot of things at the same time but this year I want to learn at least two languages (to a basic level) so when I visit these countries in the future, I will be able to make basic conversation. 

PS- I already speak 2 languages fluently. 

4) Travel solo to another country

This has been on my bucket list for quite some time but I couldn’t do it. I will make sure that I visit at least one foreign country by myself before I turn 25.

5) Learn to play guitar

This is another bucket list idea that I want to learn by next year. 

6) Attend a festival abroad

These are the festivals on my bucket list. I am not looking to attend them all but at least one or two would be great. 

7) Go on a spontaneous trip 

Spontaneous trips are the best, aren’t they?  Before I turn 25, I want to go on a spontaneous trip at least once. It will definitely be a great experience and so much fun. 

8) Make myself walk 5k steps per day

I know it’s recommended to aim at least 10k/day but I am trying to take a small step so if I am consistent at this goal, I’d be happy.

9) Establish good credit 

Although I already have a good credit score (780+) my goal would be to maintain that and pay my bills in full every month. 

10) Adopt a pet

This one is huge and something I will only do if I feel I am completely ready for it as they are long-term commitments, they need care, time, savings, and so much more. 

But this has been a goal of mine for years but I am just waiting for the right time to come. 

11) Have friends who are good for my mental health

I also said this in my last post where I shared 24 life lessons. I learned that people come into our lives just to teach us lessons and when the lesson has been taught they leave. 

We often tend to hold onto people because we are afraid to be left alone but having friends who make us feel bad about ourselves or are just jealous of you, they don’t need to be in your life so having one friend is far better than having 10 that aren’t good for you. 

12) Glow My Blog 

When I see the growth I made in the past 2-2.5 years, I want to pat myself on the back lol. 

Seriously, I learned more in the past 2.5 years than in my entire life. By 25 I want to grow this blog and provide so much value to my readers. 

13) Support me 100% financially

This one is related to the previous one. 

I already try not to ask for money from my parents but yes before I turn 25, I want to be able to support myself financially 100% and start to save more. 

14) Monetize my second blog

If you are reading my blog for the first time, you probably don’t know that I have my second blog as well where I share recipes and holiday ideas. 

I am not focusing on that blog as of now but going forward, I will change that and monetize that blog. 

15) Save $$$ 

I think saving money and becoming financially stable is a great habit to develop in your 20s. I don’t have any particular number in mind but I’d be happy to save at least 20,000 dollars. 

I am not looking forward to buying a home at this age as I am not sure I’d be living here. 

16) Have my own Online store 

I am learning to design right now and hopefully, I will open my own Etsy store in the next few months. 

It takes so much time to learn how a platform works and what you can do to make things better and useful for people.

I work overtime to learn all of this and I know it will pay off in the long run. Having multiple income streams is so important. 

17) Give Back 

This is something that is close to my heart and I always wanted to give back to a cause I care about and that will be related to health and education. 

18) Read books

I believe that no matter how many books you read in a year if you don’t apply the knowledge you won’t grow so I can’t say if I will read a certain number of books but yeah I have so many recommendations and I will read them at my own pace. 

If you want me to share my reading bucket list, please do let me know. 

19) Do something out of my comfort zone

Life hasn’t allowed me to stay in my comfort zone ever since I graduated from high school haha however I want to do anything that is new to me and something I never thought of doing before. 

20) Write a letter to my younger self

And tell my younger version to stop worrying about everything and take one step at a time. 

21) Learn one new skill

And that would probably be swimming. Yeah, I can’t swim but that will change soon. 

22) Invest in myself

As I am growing my blog and investing so much in courses and ebooks. I want to learn more about managing my finances, what mistakes I shouldn’t make, and yeah overall getting better at it. 

23) Surround myself with good people

Good people simply mean that they won’t judge you based on stupid society’s standards, and put you in a box.

I always love getting feedback from people and knowing about their perspectives but there’s a difference between constructive criticism and judgment or jealousy. 

24) Develop unconditional self-love.

I know for a lot of us it’s easier said than done. 

You might hear people saying that you can not love others when you don’t love yourself but I believe you can still love other people with your whole heart but when you don’t love yourself you might have a hard time accepting the love people have for you. 

Start here- How to start your self-love journey

25) Have peace of mind.

Ultimately, when you go to sleep at night, if you don’t have peace of mind, you won’t have a peaceful sleep either, and no matter how successful you are, that won’t matter. 

I want myself to be satisfied for the work I did when I go to bed at night and feel grateful for everything I have. 


Do let me know what is on your bucket list when you want to accomplish. If you have something I didn’t mention, please comment below!


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