The Ultimate Glow Up Checklist For 2025 (+ Realistic Glow Up Tips)

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Glow up checklist contains all the steps you need to know to glow up inside out. 

You might have heard this term “glow up” on social media, especially either on Instagram or Tiktok or maybe on both. 

And you might think that it is all about how to look good from outside, tips and hacks but glow up is certainly more than that.

So, What Really Is Glow Up? 

A glow-up is like a personal makeover, but it’s not just about changing how you look—it’s about improving yourself mentally, spiritually, and physically. It’s becoming a better, more confident version of yourself.

Glow up is more than drinking water and performing basic self care.

Having a complete glow up usually takes more effort but it pays off when you are consistent and working on yourself. 

I am sure you never heard someone saying that they regret working on themselves, right? So, let’s get into it. 

Here are what we will be focus on today- 

Physical Glow-Up:

  • Taking care of your skin and appearance. (yes! it is a part of glow up but this is not the one thing).
  • Giving yourself time for exercising and eating good food. 
  • Enhancing your personal style and wardrobe.

Mental Glow-Up:

  • Work on your mindset (eg. through right content)
  • Practicing self-love and accepting yourself. (you can accept yourself as you are and work on yourself at the same time). 
  • Learning how to set goals and most importantly “why” to set them in the first place. 
  • Developing new skills and taking actions. (because knowledge has no power if you’re not applying that information to grow yourself). 

Spiritual Glow-Up:

  • Understanding yourself and what interests you in life.
  • Asking yourself difficult questions to discover yourself. 

How To Glow Up Physically? 

1) Taking care of your skin and overall appearance. 

Glow up your face– When you are starting with your face, keep in mind that basics are the most important and often overlooked. 

Have a proper skincare routine- that is easy to follow, do not include additional steps unless you are sure that you would follow them. A simple skin care routine is a must. 

Tip- Stress can cause a dull face so try reducing your stress level using ideas I have shared in mental glow-up ideas below. 

A scrub is a step that you can add in your weekly skincare routine. It really helps in removing dead skin cells and clog pores. 

Additional steps that you can add in your skin care routine but they are completely optional: Face roller and oils, and face masks. (If you want to add these steps in your routine, here’s my recommendation for radiant face mask) and face roller.


2) Giving Yourself Time For Exercising And Eating Good Food

If you find yourself in a category of people who are often in a hurry and compromise with the quality of your food, this part can be a deal maker or breaker for you. 

We have seen people all around us eating sugary food, junk food just to fill their hunger. We don’t immediately realize how bad they can be in the long run. 

Eating junk food is so normalized that it’s called dieting when you start eating real food. 

Start taking some time to prepare your food and slowly eating them can be a higher form of self care

No amount of makeup products, cream, and lotions give you the glow up more than the food you eat. After all, it starts from the inside. 

Along with the food, you want to start exercising as well. 

Planning your food and creating exercise routine can be very individualistic and depends on your long term goals. 

So, plan it as per your goals. 

Tip- You can create a vision board dedicated to your fitness goals so if you find it difficult to stay consistent, Consider creating one.

3) Enhancing Your Personal Style And Wardrobe.

If your current outfits are not making you feel confident in yourself, it’s time to change that. 

Below are the 5 ways to enhance your personal style and start feeling confident in your outfits-

  • 1) Understand what’s not working (from your current wardrobe)
  • 2) Know your body type.
  • 3) Find colors and patterns that reflect you. 
  • 4) Invest in sustainable clothing. 
  • 5) Make sure you are feeling comfortable.

If you want to learn further, you can check out this and this youtube channel. I love how good and professional they are. 

That is it for the physical glow up. I hope it inspires you to make changes and transform yourself physically. 

Now, let’s get into the mental glow-up.

It is equally important to put in work to glow-up mentally as it is something that has the power to keep you this way for the long term. 

Glow Up Checklist: How To Glow Up Mentally? 

1) Work On Your Mindset.

Glowing up is not an overnight process. It takes time, patience, and effort. But having said that working on your mindset while glowing up is crucial.

Before setting goals of any kind, working on your mindset is very important and the first step that will set you up for success.

If you want to glow up physically, you want to tell your mind that it is okay and even necessary to work on yourself so you can look your best, feel your best and do your best. 

2) Learning How To Set Goals. 

And most importantly “why” to set them in the first place. How would you feel once you achieve that? How would your life get better? 

Have you ever set goals when you feel like you are stuck and have no idea where to start and what to do even after writing them down? 

Goals can be pretty overwhelming sometimes when not set right and make you feel lost before you even start taking any actions towards them.

If you have a big picture in mind, that is great. I would start with writing them down and from there divide them into yearly, quarterly, monthly and weekly tasks.

That way they are more doable and won’t feel like you have to climb a mountain. 

Tip- Try a couple of ways and figure out how your mind works. Maybe create a mind map or vision board? Write them down and give yourself smaller instructions and see which method helps YOU perform your best. 

3) Developing New Skills And Taking Action. 

Because knowledge has no power if you’re not applying that information to grow yourself. 

As the new year approaches, you are deciding to take new classes and learn new skills. That is the great thing to do but do not forget to apply this knowledge into real life.

Even if you don’t earn hundreds of dollars from that, you will learn something new and gain confidence. I promise. 

Spiritual Glow-Up:

1)  Understanding yourself and what interests you in life.

Everyone talks about how important it is to find your purpose in life but not a lot of people talk about how you can create your own purpose. 

Your purpose in life is what interests you. Something that you absolutely love doing and you feel that you are made for this one thing.

And unless you try many things in life, you won’t be able to find what you find interesting (aka your purpose). 

It’s all about understanding YOURself and how you operate. 

2) Asking yourself difficult questions to discover yourself. 

To get one step further, You want to ask difficult questions to yourself to find your true self.

Especially if you are stuck in a rut and finding life pretty overwhelming right now, this is the perfect time you want to do this and change how you look at life and what you want out of it. 

71 Thought-Provoking Questions To Ask Yourself.

I hope you find this post on glow up checklist helpful, if you did and/or would like to add something that I miss, please let me know in the comments below!

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