Daily Gratitude List: 100 Things To Be Grateful For Today & Everyday!

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Here is your daily gratitude list to count your everyday blessings.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.” – Melody Beattie

Aren’t we all busy working hard to achieve our future goals? No, there is nothing wrong with working for your goals and dreams but how many times do we actually try to look back and realize that we have so many things to be grateful for in this present moment, right in front of you that we often take for granted or don’t realize at all?

In this fast paced world, we are striving for one thing after another consistently that we forget to appreciate the moment and celebrate what we have truly accomplished as it becomes in our nature to feel like we have achieved nothing as someone else’s success starts to seem bigger than ours. 

No matter what we achieve in life, someone out there will always have more and better than you.

Have you always felt that no matter how much you work, there is someone who always seems to have it better than you? Maybe they even achieve it faster than you and you are not where you wanted to be in your life?

Don’t we all compare ourselves to others constantly? It seems to be deeply ingrained in us.

But in reality: 

Comparing turns gratitude into resentment.

A feeling that doesn’t bring us joy; instead, it’s a mire that pushes us into an overthinking zone and gives a sense of emptiness.

Related- Why Do We Compare Ourselves & How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

It makes us feel like we are left behind in life and everyone is far ahead of you.

If this is you, making a daily gratitude list can transform your perspective for a better and fulfilled life. But it will happen slowly, and with practice.

Why Do We Need To Make a Daily Gratitude List? 

1) To live a more happier life without having to compare your life to other people. 

2) To foster an abundant mindset that leads you in the right direction. 

3) To clear your focus and work on what is best for you instead of getting influenced by temporary outside circumstances. 

4) To treat yourself with more kindness.

Daily Gratitude List: 365 Small Things To Be Grateful For Today & Everyday!

Things To Be Grateful For (That We Often Take For Granted).

1) You are alive.

2) You have access to clean water.

3) Having nutritious food to keep you healthy and strong. 

4) A safe and comfortable place to live.

5) You wake up healthy everyday.

6) Your family and friends.

7) Education that gives you an opportunity to learn and better your life. 

8) Buying yourself anything you need with your own money.

9) Being able to buy gifts for your loved ones during the holiday season.

10) Your pet(s) that love you and give you joy.

11) Fulfilling your basic everyday needs.

12) Sunshine that gives you warmth.

13) Clean air to breathe in.

14) Access to park gardens and other natural resources.

15) A job that provides for your needs.

16) Public transport that makes your daily life a bit easier.

17) Internet.

18) Your electronic devices.

19) Being able to make choice about your own life.

20) Access to medical services and treatments.

Small Everyday Things To Be Grateful For

21) Your good morning coffee.

22) The coziness of your bed when you wake up.

23) Clean and comfortable clothes.

24) Nice breakfast Refreshing showing/bath.

25) The taste and smell of a meal made at home.

26) The cheerful sounds of birds in the morning.

27) Starting your day with your favorite music. 

28) Seeing or smelling fresh flowers.

29) Receiving or giving a kind compliment.

30) The small surprise of finding spare change in a pocket.

31) Calming view of sunrise and sunset.

32) The satisfying feeling of a good stretch after sitting for a while.

33) The soft light and pleasant scent of a candle that makes you calm. 

34) The soothing sound of rain falling.

35) The taste and freshness of ripe fruit.

36) Being able to watch your favorite TV show after long day at work.

37) Being able to talk and hug someone you love.

38) A few minutes spent on a beloved hobby or craft. 

39) Cooking your favorite slow cooker meals on the weekends.

40) A restful day on the weekends to reset yourself.

Things To Be Grateful For (To Your Inner Child)

41) Surviving more than you ever thought you would.

42) Your inner strength to keep going despite challenges.

43) The insight you have gained from your experience.

44) Your ability to stay calm in challenging situations.

45) For believing in yourself that things will get better eventually.

46) Your gentle and kind nature toward other people. 

47) Having that fear and still taking actions. 

48) Your ability to think outside the box and find solutions.

49) Being able to let go of what hurts and forgive yourself (and others). 

50) Taking time to look after yourself even when things go wrong.

51) Wanting to learn and grow from every situation.

52) Celebrate your accomplishments in your own way.

53) The journey of self-improvement and healing.

54) Unconditionally loving yourself and never giving up on your dreams even when odds are not in your favor. 

55) For guiding you in every step of life.

56) The practice of appreciating what you have, even in small things.

57) The friends, mentors, or family members who stood by you. 

58) Encouraging yourself with kind and supportive words when things go wrong. 

59) Knowing when to say no and protect your well-being.

60) Your ability to stand on your own and make decisions.

Other Things To Be Grateful For In Your Life

61) Library- to have some quiet time with books.

62) Changing seasons- so you can have different experiences. 

63) Fresh fruit and vegetables (especially in this processed food market).

64) Morning dew on grass. 

65) The soothing sound of waves.

66) Picnic with yourself. 

67) Handwritten letters that you send and receive.

68) The freshness and order of a clean space.

69) The freedom to go on a long drive by your car.

70) All the different festivals that people celebrate all around the world. 

71) Seeing a rainbow.

72) The delicious taste and smell of homemade cookies. (or anything you love).

73) Being able to stargaze.

74) Traveling to different countries and exploring new cultures and food. 

75) Deep and meaningful talks with your favorite person. 

76) Your heart that is working non stop to keep you alive.

77) Your eyes.

78) Your other body parts that are working continuously to keep you healthy and helping you see this beautiful world- Your lungs, liver, hands and legs, your taste buds and all other parts. 

79) Motivational quotes to encourage you during hard times.

80) The cozy atmosphere of small coffee shops.

81) Discovering old photos by accident.

82) To all the people who are working their best to make this world a better place to live.

83) Online communities that bring people from all around the world together. 

84) All the great discoveries like electricity, internet and computers that are here to make our everyday life easier and better.

85) All the sustainable and environmentally friendly items.

86) Farmers market for fresh fruits and vegetables.

87) Local artists.

88) Museums. 

89) Memory boxes.

90) Seasonal decoration that gives festive vibes. 

91) Wildlife Sightings

92) Rivers.

93) Mountains.

94) Your personal journal that reflects growth from writing down your experiences.

95) Your cozy bed.

96) Netflix.

97) Peaceful sleep

98) The ability to express yourself artistically.

99) Receiving or giving a kind compliment.

100) For everything else that makes you smile and teaches you something new. 

What are you grateful for? I would love to know in the comments!

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